
Celebrities Behaving Well Awards

Over at the staff presents an award to the most well behaved celebrity.  In the age of the “fail”, it’s rather refreshing to see an outlet take the time to highlight the good that one’s celebrity status can do in the world when used properly.  I encourage you to click over and read about the nominees and cast your vote.  2014’s recipient was Mark Wahlberg.  This year’s winner will see $2500 donated to their charity from the website.

acculturated pope francis taylor swift

Matt Edwards

Matt Edwards is a filmmaker in his native Los Angeles. He is an alumnus of the 2011 Taliesin Nexus Filmmakers Workshop, a 2014 Liberty Lab Fellow and the current editor of SCC. Matt is also host of the The Rear View film podcast. Follow @TRVpodcast and @mattchrised on Twitter.