You may notice a slight title change from the usual “Trailer Tuesday” headline. New year, new start right!? Well not really. I just did that because the official 2nd trailer for “Avengers: Age of Ultron” was released tonight! I’ll try to keep this one brief since I get a little long winded when it comes to all things geek-worthy.
As anyone who’s anyone may (or may not) know, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been known for the mystery surrounding its’ projects. The people over at Marvel have been doing something right for the last eight or nine years, because they seem to reveal the right amount of information at just the right time. Queue up the new trailer and we’ve got another handful of mystery shots for us to decipher before May hits!
The trailer opens with a pretty familiar scene of a city in turmoil and the Avengers helping to evacuate the innocent bystanders. Follow that with a few depressingly gloomy looks from a couple of our mighty Avengers, and we’re reminded that this is not going to be a lighthearted, feel-good movie like the first time around.

The first trailer was surprisingly dark and this one does nothing to lighten the previously set standards. Our heroes are seriously in over their heads, and it appears that they have no one to blame but themselves. With more gloom and despair to go around, a voiceover from the main antagonist Ultron (James Spader) claims that “Everyone creates the thing they dread.” Pretty powerful, albeit bleak, words, especially when you consider that you can apply this idea to a couple of the Avengers themselves. Shortly follow this with a line from the typically-cool and confident Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) saying “We have no place in the world,” as she’s being strapped to some sort of medical gurney. Then we have Thor about to choke-slam Tony Stark (Iron Man) and an all-out brawl between Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr. ) and Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) which looks like it could easily turn into a fight to the death…as unlikely as that is to happen.

Overall this was another great, action-packed trailer that added a lot of new footage on top of what we already saw in the first trailer. If anything, it just reassures the fact that this is going to be a heavy-handed film that will surely change the MCU in a big, big way. As someone who is not well-versed in the comics, but strictly a follower of the films, can anyone pose any predictions for what is to come in this HIGHLY anticipated sequel? Go play prophet in the comments, because I’m seriously curious to see what fan theories come to fruition when “Avengers: Age of Ultron” hits theaters May 1st of this year!