
Trailer Tuesday: “Old Fashioned”

Well, as many of you have probably caught on, I typically reserve “Trailer Tuesday” for whatever hot new blockbuster is about to hit theatres and give it an in-depth, philosophical and life-changing analyzation. (Sarcasm).  However, this week, I’ve decided to give some love to the little guy…because that’s what we all consist of, isn’t it? Little guys (and girls) trying to make it in a big world. Alright that’s enough philosophy.

In an attempt to compete with, or rather pull attention away from, the impending phenomenon that is the “Fifty Shades of Grey” film franchise, this little indie film called “Old Fashioned” does something unique with its’ trailer. I came across this while perusing the Apple trailers page and was surprised to see such small project getting some love from the Apple monster. 50ShadesVsOFSmall There is no dialogue in this trailer, and it makes direct comparisons to the “Fifty Shades of Grey” books and film, in that it prides itself on being the exact opposite.  Title cards and clips of a young love flourishing roll over a nifty, heartfelt soundtrack that these producers probably found on a royalty free website of some sort.  Either way, I applaud their efforts.  They take the stereotypical characters of the “Fifty Shades” series and intentionally draw attention to the fact that these characters are sincere, innocent, realistic people just looking for love in a…well…old fashioned way.

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Trailer Tuesday: “Horns”

Beware, this latest trailer isn’t only a little NSFW, but worse…Harry Potter does an American accent.  That’s right. Daniel Radcliffe is shedding his little boy fame and taking on a much creepier, and much less British role in his latest film “Horns.”

unnamed-4Up until now, I hadn’t known much about this film. Granted this trailer has been out for a while, but I wasn’t all that intrigued by the things I had seen or read on this movie.  Naturally, I didn’t know what to expect going into this trailer for the first time, but if you go in with low expectations, you might just find yourself pleasantly surprised!

The first thing that popped up on my radar was Daniel Radcliffe’s American accent (which actually isn’t that bad, but it does catch you off guard a bit).  He’s in love with a girl and he promises to love her for the rest of his life…but all that she asks is that he loves her for the rest of hers. Aww…cue the stormy night and gruesome murder scene.  The love of his life is naturally killed approximately 2 seconds later while the two are secluded in the middle of the woods together.  The small town is rocked by this and Ig (Daniel Radcliffe) instantly becomes the main suspect.  But he knows he didn’t do it (and I suppose we are to assume the same thing).  He’s enraged by the death of his girlfriend and he wants the head of the man responsible.  So, like any vengeance-fueled boyfriend, he starts to grow horns as some sort of physical manifestation of his anger.  Now I will say this trailer does showcase some great editing and creates a creepy atmosphere.  You really feel Ig’s passion for discovering the true murderer, making you sympathize when he starts to go all unnamed-6demonic and lose his mind.  Cut to a quick, but effective, montage of him terrorizing some locals and screaming at no one in particular about what really happened the night of the murder, all leading up to a final glance at what he’s really turning into, which is some ultra-creepy devil-looking thing.  I’m a fan!

Although this trailer does have its fair share of cliché-ridden plot points, it did offer up enough originality to make me want to check it out.  It looks pretty creepy and the special effects look rather decent for such an indie project.  I’m not sure if Radcliffe’s intention is to try and fully rid himself of the Potter perception, but maybe after seeing the film we’ll finally be able to perceive him as an adult!

This one already hit theatres on Halloween in a limited release, so check it out while you still can.

Trailer Tuesday: “Let’s Kill Ward’s Wife”

You know you’ve been there. We’ve all had that one person (maybe two) that we’d just love to off.


If you think that’s dark, just wait until you watch this trailer!  Let’s Kill Ward’s Wife puts a delightfully sinister twist on the Buddy Comedy genre.

As the title suggests, there is a guy named Ward, he has a wife, and some people want to kill her.  That’s pretty much the gist of the movie. Opening up on a casual guy’s day on the golf course, three best friends are debating whether or not everyone really “just gets one murder.”  All funny banter…for now.  Cut to, their fourth friend, Ward (Donald Faison), is MIA due to his wife’s inhibiting behavior.  It’s Father’s Day and Ward can’t make it to any of the fun games his friends have planned!  Enter Stacey…the dreaded wife.  She’s throwing things, screaming obscenities, and Ward is clearly intimidated by her.  Keep in mind this is a comedy!

Now Ward’s friends are determined to come to the rescue…but for whose sake, we’re not quite sure.  After witnessing the extremes that this crazy woman has gone to, David (Patrick Wilson), has decided to bring the idea of killing Stacey to the group.  Creatively, this trailer was done well, because as David explains his plan, we see Tom (Scotty Foley) already attacking Stacey, presumably out of anger. He smashes her face into a birthday cake, she slips, falls…and apparently dies from that.  Total accident, but hey, it got the job done!


The ensuing turn of events plays out hilariously. They strategize how to dispose of the body and discuss the ways that this is going to be a good thing for Ward.
Now I completely realize that reading this sounds like a psycho-thriller, but trust me. The montage with the classical music playing over it makes for some hilariously cringe-worthy entertainment.  Finally, Ward sits around with his friends and exclaims, “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

This trailer is awesome.  It hits all the right beats and it handles the subject matter in a darkly appropriate way.  You should find yourself saying “Oh, no way!” but also laughing because it’s so hilariously far-fetched.

Between the four main characters, they all balance each other out and the cast here is great.  Mostly B-listers but the talent across the board makes me want to see this film as soon as it’s released!

Anyway, please comment below with your opinions so I don’t sound like a total weirdo for enjoying this trailer!


Trailer Tuesday: “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

Let’s be honest, did you expect anything else out of this week’s Trailer Tuesday?  I have personally been dying to write about this one, so bare with my over-dramatic, fanboy antics.  You’ve been warned. unnamedIt was originally announced that the new trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron was supposed to air during the newest episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and would not be released before then.  However, in today’s unpredictable world of technology, the trailer was unexpectedly leaked almost an entire week early. Props to Marvel, as they went with it and shortly thereafter released higher quality versions as opposed to scrambling to rip it off of every major website in cyberspace. I’ll start by saying, there is so much going on in this “teaser” trailer that it’s hard to break it down in a way that wouldn’t take up 30 pages in Microsoft Word, so I’ll give a general overview. As a massive fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and everything Joss Whedon touches), I have been a dedicated follower of this franchise since the beginning.  In the first Avengers film, we were eased into a world that was mostly a fun family film, where all of these superheroes co-exist and ban together to conquer the day.  With this trailer, now we’re not so sure.  From the opening shot, we see a cantered aerial view of what looks like a normal, pretty metropolitan city.  However, when it’s accompanied by a sinister voiceover from the evil robot villain, none other than unnamed-1Ultron (James Spader) himself, we get the hint that things aren’t going to be so lighthearted this time around.  Ultron is a seriously freaky villain.  As we witness the Avengers’ first encounter with him, their peaceful dinner party is interrupted as he enters the room claiming, “You want to save the world but you don’t want it to change.  You’re all puppets, tangled in strings.”  All of this is followed by a series of bleak shots of our lovable Avengers clearly up against a villain that they’re not only unfamiliar with, but that they might not actually be able to stop.  This trailer does a fantastic job of cranking up the stakes from the first film.  Although it clocks in at over 2 minutes, it is less of a revelation of story and more of a glimpse of what to expect in tone and atmosphere.  And it’s looking to be a dark one. Joining the wonderful cast of characters, which originally included Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk among others, we now have two morally ambiguous characters coming in to play.  The Maximoff twins, Quicksilver (Aaron Johnson) and Scarlett Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) are two troubled young adults with extraordinary gifts.  However, after being held captive and experimented on by some bad, bad people, I think we’ll see them start out as strong opponents of the Avengers, but ultimately end up as powerful allies. unnamed-2With very little dialogue aside from Ultron’s voiceover, what I found to be most effective here was how well the analogy of “puppets and strings” was written and delivered.  One could interpret Ultron’s claim of these strings being the emotions that come with being human, and that give us a moral sense of right and wrong, thereby inhibiting us from doing things that, say, a robot would have no qualms with.  Then we end on one last powerful line from Ultron saying “There are no strings on me.”  Freaky deaky! This dude has zero remorse or emotional capacity, which makes him the perfect adversary for our (mostly) inherently good Avengers. Whew! Got a little winded with this marathon.  But this trailer did nothing but spark my interest to the fullest.  I’m now more excited than ever for May 1, 2015 to roll around so we can see how the Avengers fare against the psycho robot Ultron! Anyone else catching this at a midnight screening!?

Trailer Tuesday: “Focus”

Well in case you were wondering where Will Smith went, we found him! He’s back in the first trailer for his new film “Focus.”  There are too many shameless puns to try with this one, so I’ll get to the trailer itself.

unnamedWill Smith has always been a fun guy to watch with a decent emotional range in my opinion, and his co-star Margot Robbie here is easy on the eyes to say the least.  With these two in the lead, this film immediately had my attention.

When the scene opens with a medium close-up of a profile of a random actor angrily driving a car, it makes one wonder…what is he about to hit? Well he’s aiming for Nicky (Smith) and Jess (Robbie), whom he successfully T-bones in their beautiful sports car.  Judging by the following voiceover from Nicky of “That’s what you get when you hire a con man,” the car was probably stolen anyway.  Right from the start we understand that Nicky and Jess are in the middle of deep stuff, the tone and cinematography leading us to believe we’re in for a serious dramatic story.  However, it’s immediately followed by a scene in which we’ve apparently back tracked to when Nicky first met Jess.  In a hilarious exchange, Jess gives him her best attempt at seduction, to which he says “Does that feel sexy on your face?”  So, a con-dram-edy?  That’s a little confusing.

We soon see Jess in training and Nicky becoming impressed, saying she’s become one of the best.  So now apparently she’s ready for the “big con.”  Well as one may expect in such a dramatic story with two sexy, charismatic characters making a living on making people fall for them, things get sticky when they develop feelings for each other.  To be honest, the trailer wraps up in a bit of a hurry and it’s not clear where the story goes, but it doesn’t seem to end super well…hence the con drama of it all.


Overall, the only reason I really want to see this film is for the very reason I stated earlier, which is the two leads.  I always like Will Smith and although I have yet to see Robbie in anything, her dramatic and comedic acting chops are portrayed really well in this trailer.  If anything, it feels like more of a vehicle for her than anything.  I also didn’t feel that the comedy meshed well with what feels like it should be a very dark film about a hopeless romance.

Either way, I feel like we’ve seen this before, but hopefully the acting will be able to hold the film rise above the mundane!

Find out next year when “Focus” hits theatres!

Trailer Tuesday: “Tomorrowland”

Whoever once said less is more must have watched this newest trailer for “Tomorrowland.”  Either that, or the creators behind this mysterious project took that ages-old phrase to heart when marketing this puppy.

unnamedLoosely based on the theme park of the same name, “Tomorrowland” is an adventure story of a young girl who can travel to and fro between our world and…well…Tomorrowland.

Opening on a young girl Casey (Britt Robertson) being released from some sort of juvenile detention center, we see she’s obviously been through some stuff. As she collects her belongings before being let go, there’s a small pin left behind, which she adamantly claims does not belong to her.  Without thought, she grabs the pin to bring it to the officer’s attention and in that instant, she is momentarily transported to another world.  So Casey has the natural reaction of one who is instantaneously transported to another world and FLIPS out. When she drops the pin on the ground, she immediately finds herself back in the detention center.  Cue the mystery music and a voiceover from the enchanting George Clooney, who asks us, “What if there was a miraculous place where you could actually change the world?”  All of this plays over some beautiful scenery of Casey once again touching the pin and finding herself in what is assumed to be Tomorrowland.  It’s a “magical” place alright from the looks of it, although she’s seemingly standing in some sort of wheat field. But as we pan around, we see a large city far in the background.  Cut just in time to see a glimpse of Clooney’s character asking an un-seen character if they would “want to go” to this miraculous place. Then,  “TOMORROWLAND” fades into the screen.

Walt Disney World Tomorrowland
Walt Disney World Tomorrowland

Boom. Done. Sold.

This trailer (or teaser rather) was so simple, yet so effective. I wish there were more out there like this.  This is the kind of creativity that will get people to pay the $15 to go see this thing!  Not only is it directed by Brad Bird (The Incredibles), but the imagery is stunning to watch and the editing was seamless as Casey jumped between the real world and Tomorrowland.   Maybe I am biased, but if all creative teams would take the understanding that less is more and stop revealing TOO much information months before the release of the film, they might actually see a hike in profit, as people may actually feel the need to see the film instead of feeling like they watched the whole thing in two minutes! Whew, I digress.

Anyway, if any of you Hollywood producers out there end up reading this, you can give me the credit for boosting your ticket sales.
I’ll definitely be catching this one next year. Anyone else!?

Trailer Tuesday: “Inner Demons”

unnamedBefore reading this, you should all “exorcise caution.” Ha! Well, I wish I could take credit for that pun, but it’s the tagline for this week’s trailer.  And I didn’t just choose it because I was a very hard-working (unpaid) PA on the film! For you horror buffs, this one actually has a tinge of originality to it.

If the title didn’t tell you enough already, here we have yet another found-footage demonic ghost story.  However, this one seems to have a bit of a human twist to it.

From the opening sequence, we wouldn’t expect what we are seeing to necessarily be a horror film.  A family holds an intervention for their daughter Carson. They go around and tell her that they love her and that they are concerned for the downward spiral she is on with drug use.  She definitely does not respond well, physically attacks her best friend.  Cut to some strange, haunting music as Carson moves into a rehabilitation center followed by a camera crew.  A young crewmember appears to develop some personal feelings for Carson.  He discovers that she may actually be suffering from demonic possession and has been using the drugs to subdue the “inner demons.”  As Carson’s sponsor and other supporters try to help her get sober, they simply end up letting the demons take control by taking her off the drugs.  Which doesn’t seem to end well for many of the cast members as the trailer ends with a series of shots, including bloody fighting, stabbing, running and screaming.  All the makings for an entertaining demonic thriller!

unnamed-1I’m not a huge fan of the music choice for this trailer and the editing could definitely use some fine-tuning.  I personally prefer fast-paced action-type thrillers (see the trailers for “Scream” or the “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” 2003 remake).  However, I do like this element of drug addiction that hasn’t been done before, which looks like it could offer up some great thrills.  With a totally unknown cast and an up-and-coming director, this could easily be one of the indie horror films that accrues a cult following.

Curious if you’ll be one to jump on the bandwagon? Well, head over to  and you can watch it right this very moment on Amazon Instant!


Trailer Tuesday: “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part I”

unnamedA few weeks ago brought about a largely defining moment in many young adults’ lives; a moment that everyone has been waiting for. Okay, maybe not everyone, but a fair chunk of people across the world have been wanting to see this trailer for a very long time.  The first half of the final whole to the “The Hunger Games” trilogy-turned-quadrilogy is released this November.  With that moment rapidly approaching (or not so rapidly depending where you fall on the fan-scale), the final full trailer for “Mockingjay: Part I” has been released!
All joking aside, I am a huge fan of this franchise.  When it was first announced that the third book would be released into two films, it felt more like a gimmick than anything.  I’m sure it still probably is, but seeing as how the third book was the most daunting to get through due to the lack of action, this could actually work to its’ benefit.  See, with book-to-film adaptations, so much of the book has to be cut due to the running time of the film (amongst other reasons, of course).  However, with this story in particular, they can just cut all the boring crap and stretch out those action scenes as much as they need to, while still filling in the gaps with important story and plot details.  That’s my theory of the approach based on this trailer.  DISCLAIMER: I’m about to go full-blown nerd, so if you haven’t read the books or seen the previous films, you may be a little lost by the end of this.

unnamed-1Right off the bat, we are faced with an even darker world than what we’ve seen in the first two films.   A heartstring-pulling voiceover from Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) has her confronting the enemy saying she never wanted any of this to happen and that she simply wanted to save her family.  This is especially strong to start off with in this trailer because it reminds us of the simple life that Katniss has come from, and what she’s gone through to get to where she is.  Then, along comes President Snow (Donald Sutherland) saying somethin’ like “You suck, Katniss, we’re gonna kill everyone you love!” (I’m paraphrasing).  Anyway, what we take away most from this trailer is that Katniss really wants to get her lover Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) back from the grips of the evil Capitol, run by Snow.  When she finds out Peeta is alive, after being held captive, she makes it her mission to get him back.  All of this is followed by several shots of Katniss in the newly formed District 13 becoming the symbol of the revolution, known as the “Mockingjay,” taking charge, giving hope to the hopeless and blowing things up with her amped up bow-and-arrow bomb combo thing.  This makes for what should be an action-packed Part I; hence my initial theory of “out with the boring and in with the guns blowing up futuristic aircrafts.”  Overall, it could have been a tad better, as it didn’t quite reach the chill-inducing level that I hoped for.  However, it does ratchet up the stakes and makes for some seriously exciting, thematic entertainment while maintaining human and relatable characters.

Any other “Mockingnerds” out there ready for this to hit theatres like NOW-ish?! Well, we have to wait until November 21st, but it will be worth it!

Trailer Tuesday: “The Skeleton Twins”

Based on the title of this latest trailer, you may be asking yourself “Another cheesy found-footage horror film?” Nope. The opposite. Another indie-daramedy.

unnamedThis one popped up on my radar just recently and it looked intriguing, mostly because of the cast.  Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader play the aforementioned “skeleton twins” Maggie and Milo, respectively.  From the get-go we see that they are being reunited for the first time in ten years.  Although it’s not clearly stated why, one could assume that, based on the following dialogue, Milo is moving in with Maggie and her husband Lance (Luke Wilson) because his dream career of being an actor took a nosedive and he has since left Los Angeles.  As the story unravels, we learn that Maggie has also had her fair share of tribulations, in that she has not been totally loyal to Lance, something that earns her a scolding from her brother.  Despite the heavy and moderately depressing subject matter, the trailer keeps a light tone throughout.  There’s a great scene with Milo making an attempt to cheer up Maggie by lip syncing to an old song, which Maggie reluctantly gives in to, resulting in an odd, but uplifting sibling dance party.

A lot of this film looks like it’s been done before, with the estranged family members coming back together, only to find out that all they’ve really needed all along is each other.  Then voila! They all live happily ever after.  That’s not to say that there isn’t some draw to this movie in the cast, which is really all it has going for it.  Kristen Wiig has made a turn to the indie scene recently, but she’s always watchable in my opinion.  This is also one of Hader’s first leading roles, since he’s mostly known from his SNL days and a few supporting roles. Hopefully he bodes well with such a stellar supporting cast behind him like Wilson and Ty Burrell.

I guess we can all find out for ourselves this Friday, September 12th!  Although it’s a limited release so some of you may have to wait for DVD…sorry if I got your hopes up.  Enjoy!

Trailer Tuesday: Foxcatcher

This one might seem like relatively old news to most of you, but it didn’t “catch” my eye until recently. (Pun shamelessly intended).

unnamedSteve Carell has obviously built his career in the world of comedy, and has become one of the most successful men in Hollywood because of it. Now, he’s taking a pretty dramatic turn with his role as Channing Tatum‘s sociopathic wrestling coach in “Foxcatcher.” I have never been a huge fan of Channing Tatum, but some of his more recent work would suggest that he’s stepped up his game and shown that he’s actually got some talent in the craft.

Admittedly, my knowledge of this true story was even less than that of the actual film, so I had no idea what to expect from this short, mysterious teaser trailer. Immediately going into it, it’s clear that this is a very dark film. With a haunting score to kick things off and a creepy Extreme Close-Up of a very made-up Carell, it couldn’t be more apparent that we’re in for a very dark drama here. As John du Pont (Carell) rattles off a raspy voiceover, he asks Mark Schultz (Tatum), “Do you know who I am?,” suggesting he must be a pretty big deal. We soon learn that du Pont is a wrestling coach, and Schultz is a pretty decent wrestler, so du Pont wants to work with him to become “the best in the world.” Now, if it wasn’t clear from these first introductions that our main characters are a tidbit unhinged, it soon becomes extremely unnamed-1obvious. Du Pont claims that he is a patriot and he wants to see the country “soar” again. This is followed by quick shots of Tatum training in the weight room, du Pont celebrating and shooting guns in a shooting range, du Pont slapping Schultz in the face and Schultz slamming his face into a mirror. This would all heavily suggesting that these characters are willing to go to great lengths to succeed. We finally end on the final shot, with du Pont entering what looks to be a practice gym full of wrestlers, gun in hand, with a voiceover stating “We’re going to do great things, Mark.” Smash to black.

Creepy. Awesome. Not to sound creepy myself, but this trailer got me very excited in no more than 65 seconds! It definitely did not reveal much at all in the short time we were given to experience the story, but we saw just enough to get an idea of the motivations for the characters. All while maintaining a respectable amount of mystery, even though this it’s based on a true story. This trailer pulled off a very difficult feat in doing that.

This is one fox I’ll be catching in the theatres! (Couldn’t help myself). Anybody else?