The Restaurant Kickstarter Wrap-Up

Three weeks ago I wrote about my horror comedy feature, The Restaurant. We embarked on a Kickstarter campaign to secure funding, and today marks the final day of that endeavor. Today is also the beginning: the beginning of pre-production as we move to the next phase of the journey.

We have a few hours left. Funding doesn’t close until 2:00 eastern time tonight, which means if you’re reading this from the west coast, you have until 11:00 to back the film.

The Restaurant - Teaser Poster500h

Kickstarter incurs a 5% fee plus a 3% payment processing fee, and the more distance we can put between ourselves and the 18,000 mark, the more we can offset those fees. The more we can raise, the more resources we’ll have for makeup and effects, location use, taking care of our cast and crew, and unanticipated expenses. In exchange for your backing, we offer a wide selection of perks. At the $15 backer level, you get a digital copy of the film. $50 gets you a Kickstarter Edition disc with exclusive special features and content, including the soundtrack and pre-production materials (one of our most popular rewards).

My team is excited and happy to have come this far, and we’re eager to get to the fun part: making the movie. I’ve learned a lot from the crowdfunding experience and it’s given me a new respect for entrepreneurship and what goes into starting a business — because that’s essentially what we are doing.


The Restaurant

The Restaurant – Bringing back fun supernatural horror

Check out the Kickstarter here.

As a lifelong horror movie addict, I’ve heard all the complaints about the genre’s decline. I’ve made those complaints myself. Mainstream horror today is a parade of by-the-book stories, CGI, and irritating, too-good-looking characters you want dead from the first frame. Where did the horror movies go where the star looked like Tom Atkins or Kurt Russell? What happened to the fun?

The Restaurant is the result of me sitting down to write the kind of movie I’d want to see. It’s both a horror film and a comedy in the tradition of such classics as Ghostbusters and An American Werewolf in London. I wanted the leads to be relatable. The writing had to be lively and funny. And I’m firmly in the Lovecraft camp: the monster in a horror film should be cosmic, hateful, and a little ridiculous.
