Danny Almonte and the Little Big Scandal

etick_a_almonte01_850The Little League World Series begins today, one of our nations most beloved annual sporting events (along with the National Spelling Bee which I’ve also written about). Almost nothing makes me feel more American than watching these kids reach their dreams, surrounded by a giant cast of generous volunteers. For a brief month in the summer, these 11 and 12 year olds become superstars, and perhaps no 12 year old became more of a superstar on Little League’s biggest stage than the ace of the Bronx Little League in 2001, Danny Almonte. The only problem was, Danny wasn’t 12. He was 14. And after a perfect game and a 3rd place finish, Danny became the biggest scandal in youth sports history. ESPN recently released a 30 for 30 short documentary that investigates the controversy, and exposes the quiet young kid at the center of it. Click here to take a look at this fascinating exposé.


Danny Almonte Little League Little League World Series Volunteers

Richard Mattox

Richard Mattox is the head editor of Smash Cut Culture and a 2013 alumnus of the Taliesin Nexus Filmmakers Workshop and Internship program. Currently pursuing a Masters in Professional Writing (screenwriting emphasis) from USC, Mattox is an avid film-junkie, a singer-songwriter, and a die-hard Baltimore Orioles fan.

  • Regular Guy

    The Danny Almonte controversy may have been the best-known scandal in Little League history, but the most outrageous incident ever to occur on a Little League baseball field was the time a coach in the DTQ League in northern Virginia instructed a kid to fall down intentionally on an attempted steal of second base so that a runner at third could steal home to win the game. I still hate that coach for doing that. — Jake DiMeglio (the catcher whose coach told him to throw down to second after the runner “fell”)