Lights, Camera, Liberty, the Series: Part II

As a quick public service announcement for those of you just getting looped in, over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll be posting videos submitted by participants in The Atlas Network’s “Lights, Camera, Liberty” program. Each member organization has been asked to share a short (in some cases, short-ish) video that they produced and best shows off their mission-in-action, as well as their filmmaking chops.

This week’s video, a promo clip, comes from the Manning Centre on Building Democracy, based out of Calgary.

In their own words,

Combining archival footage and historic quotes, this short clip reminds Canadians of their country’s tradition of self-reliance and free markets. 

Enjoy, and happy weekend!

Crystal Hubbard

Crystal Hubbard is a freelance writer / producer, and a Smash Cut Culture contributor. She was a finalist for the New York Television Festival Fox Comedy script contest in 2011 and 2013, and is a Taliesin Nexus and Nexpressions alum. In 2012, she interned at Disruption Entertainment, and is a current Fellow with the Moving Picture Institute. She occasionally tweets (but mostly lurks) @cnhubbard, and sometimes uses Instagram @bare_cupboard.