That’s right! Stop jumping up and down for a second so you can get the details.
The National Geographic channel has invited MST3000 alumni Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy (as Tom Servo), and Bill Corbett (as Crow T. Robot) for an April Fools Day special.

The gang, known for poking fun at poorly made B movies, will reunite to “riff” on some of National Geographic’s own classic segments. The special, entitled Total Riff Off, will fittingly air on April 1st.
For those of us who are already members of the MST3K cult, it will be a great time to light some candles around our television sets and re-live the glory days. And for those of you who missed the Mystery Science Theater heyday, you’ll have an opportunity to finally understand why watching other people watch movies can be so brilliant.
In my book, this has to be considered the most anticipated TV event of the year. I’ve been watching and re-watching every episode I can get ahold of (there are dozens on both Hulu and Netflix), but to see the riffers, who have been busy riffing via their new project, RiffTrax, back on television will be like witnessing the second coming.